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Aphids in San Jose
admin - 10/28/2022

If you’re seeing sticky, hard to remove gunk dripping from your trees, stripping your car’s paint, and gumming up the sidewalk, you’ve got an aphid infestation on your land.

Aphids in San Jose are sucking pests, similar to scales or mites.  These tiny insects are 1/8” or less, and have long antennae and legs. They’re usually wingless and come in a variety of colors, ranging from dull gray and black, to tan, yellow, pink, and green.

Aphids in San Jose suck sap and other fluids from trees and plants. This causes the plants to weaken and shrivel, and their leaves may become warped. Aphids can even transmit potentially lethal viruses to trees. When aphids feed, they eat more than they need and expel the extra nutrients in a sticky substance called honeydew, which is what you are seeing spread around your yard.

Even worse, aphids reproduce extremely quickly.  So contact D&J Pest Control as soon as possible, because we will exterminate the pest and keep your yard and home healthy.

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